Cheese Styles

Fresh Unripened Cheese
These are the simplest of cheeses and are delicate and milky in flavour. They are made by gently souring milk with special cultures, then draining to release some moisture. With no rind and a soft texture, they are high in moisture and generally lower in fat than firmer cheeses. Fresh cheeses are often used in cooking and baking due to their versatility and convenience.
Styles include: Quark and Persian Fetta.
Stretched Curd Cheese
So called because of the way it is made. The curd is heated in water (70 degrees-80degrees C) until it becomes elastic, then kneaded and stretched into various shapes and quickly cooled. This gives the cheese its stringy texture and characteristic stretch when melted.
Styles include: Matured Mozzarella Provolone, Bocconcini and Haloumi.
White Mould Cheese
Known for their rich, buttery flavours and creamy textures, white mould cheeses are also termed "surface ripened" as they ripen from the outside in towards the centre. Once the white mould has fully covered the rind of the cheese, it is wrapped in cheese paper until it is ready to eat. The white mould helps break down the interior of the cheese from firm and chalky to the characteristic creamy texture that is craved by cheese lovers. After 6-8 weeks of maturation, the surface mould will start to break down, changing from a velvety white colour to off -white, tinged with orange or brown and will develop stronger flavours.
Styles include: Camembert, Brie, Double Brie and Triple Cream.
Known here as; The Cape, Bassine Queen, DBL Queen and Triplet. Also Almurta, Phillip Island and Loch.
Washed Rind Cheese
Like white mould cheeses, these styles are also known as "surface ripened". Washed rind cheeses are among the world's strongest smelling, but many have a surprisingly mild flavour. They have a robust aroma reminiscent of smelly socks! and a very savoury flavour with a hint of sweetness. Washed rind cheeses are made in a similar way to white mould cheeses, except that the cheese surface is washed during maturation with a brine solution containing a bacterium, Brevibacterium linens (also known as Brevi or B. linens). This gives the rind its distinctive aroma and red/orange colour.
Such as; Tenby Point, Island Ridge and Westernport or Jam Jerrup which is a washed Havarti style.
Blue Cheese
From mild and sweet to strong and spicy, blue cheese covers a range of styles from creamy to crumbly. Also known as "internally ripened" cheeses, as the flavour develops from the blue, grey or green veins that grow from the centre out towards the rind. In the early stages of cheesemaking, the milk is inoculated with special mould spores (usually Penicillium roquefort). A er several weeks maturation, the cheesemaker spikes the cheeses with stainless steel needles to allow air to penetrate the cheese, which allows the blue mould to start growing. Once the veins have radiated out from the centre to the rind, the cheese is fully ripe and ready to eat. (Not made by us but can be found in store to round out a platter, as required.)
Cheddar Style Cheese
Cheddar is Australia's most popular cheese. The name refers to a special manufacturing process called "cheddaring". The many variations of cheddar react different cheese-making methods and the length of maturation. For example, a vintage cheddar crumbles in the mouth and has a deep, lingering flavour, whereas, a mild cheddar will slice well for making a sandwich. Cheddar is available wrapped in wax or cloth or vacuum packed in plastic. Without milling machines etc, the closest to cheddar we make is our Farmhouse cheese or a Welsh style Caerphilly.
Semi Hard and Eye Cheese
These cheeses have a smooth, supple texture and flavours ranging from sweet to nutty . The "eye" cheeses are named for the holes that are formed by bubbles of carbon dioxide gas produced during maturation. Styles range from mild- flavoured and young (matured for a few months) to richly flavoured aged versions (matured for 12 months or more). styles include: Emmental, Gruyere, Raclette. Dutch style Gouda, Edam, Havarti. Our versions include; Bass, Kernot, Smokey San Remo, Corinella, Grantville, Glen Forbes, Dalyston, Candowie and Punchbowl.
Hard Cheese
Hard cheeses have a robust and concentrated flavour profile and develop deeper flavours the longer they are matured. They keep well due to their very low moisture content. They are most often grated or shaved over hot dishes or salads. styles include: Parmesan, Pecorino, Pepato and Romano. Try our Pioneer Bay or Kilcunda.